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painting Alexander Domanov
photo Sergei Pilipovich


Oriental exotic flair, soft tones, geometric prints and simple lines have created a chamber and relaxing atmosphere of the studio, where it is so easy to focus on the most important things…



Anna, Stanislav and Antonina Makeev were approached by a client with a non-trivial, but very creatively interesting request - to design the interior of a sound therapy studio. There should be nothing superfluous in this space that would distract guests from the healing process of working with the sound of gongs and bowls. The style was supposed to reflect the ethnic component, but without being tied to a specific region, but rather the oriental direction as a whole.




The starting point from which the whole concept was born was a large-scale gong. It is he who seems to be reflected in the interior countless times - and in the elements of art paintings, and in the lines of furniture, and in decor.

зона отдыха

The studio premises are small, and the sessions gather a narrow circle of guests, but it was all the more important to think over convenient zoning. The authors of the project did this with the help of a sliding partition. She solved several requests at once - visually highlighted parts of the room, emphasized the ethnic character of the space, improved the acoustics of the studio, and saved the budget.

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The furniture was made to order in order to obtain aesthetic multifunctional items that fit perfectly into the ethnic interior and become practical solutions to the daily tasks of the studio. So, the rack separating the corridor and the hall was made two-sided. From the side of the hall, deep shelves for bowls were placed here, and from the side of the corridor - small decorative shelves for souvenirs. This allows you to get away from monotony and add dynamics.

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The kitchen was also made according to the design of the designers - it is very compact, but it contains everything you need.

As for the lighting scenarios, spotlights were used for the main hall - sconces and track lighting for the mural. And in the kitchen area, the general light was complemented by sconces and a pendant above the table, giving rise to a chamber and relaxing atmosphere.

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